Friday, November 29, 2013

How to celebrate Thanksgiving in Germany

Happy belated Thanksgiving! I hope all of you had great food and celebrated this special day with your loved ones!?
We sure missed our family and friends in New York, Massachusetts, Maryland (…) and it was really weird to not have a big eating-fest with the whole family.

However, since the 4th of July, this is the first time Nick has more than a 2-day weekend off. So we have plenty of reason to celebrate and be happy.

I'm sure you are dying to know what we ate, so I'm telling you right away that no turkey was eaten. Not even a chicken. Or any other bird for that matter.

Although, I am proud to announce that there was a pie! Which, I think, counts as perfectly appropriate Thanksgiving food.

Apple Pie and rolls for breakfast!

Since we are in Germany after all, we didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to find foods or cooking tools that are hard or impossible to come by here and rather relax and enjoy the day. This included eating what is available and what we like best!

First we went to a Christmas market!

We are a bit spoiled from last year, when we went to Cologne and had the best time at one of the prettiest Christmas markets I've ever been to. However, this one was really cool, too!! They even had a wine bar with a reindeer above the entrance! Never pass the opportunity to take a stupid picture with a reindeer head. 

They also had plenty of great smelling foods!

- but we decided to have Glühwein with a shot of rum instead.

How can you not enjoy being at a place like this, drinking (very) hot, christmassy-spiced red wine, walking between the pretty little shops, and looking at the various hand-crafted things people are selling?!

For dinner, we went to our favorite place!

Döner and Lamachun! Happy Thanksgiving!

After that, we just went home and rented Iron Man 3 on DVD. 

Lucy wanted to watch the movie with us, but she is not allowed on the couch. So she tried to snuggle up as close as she could. She was so cuddly and loved us very much last night…

… which may have had something to do with the fact that we were snacking on some venison that we bought at the Christmas market. 

You should all go and try some of this!

However, I chose to believe that she was just happy to hang out with us and no ulterior motive was involved.

Have a great Friday and if you are out shopping - be safe!

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